More than 2 million Canadians work from home at least one day a week. For some, a laptop computer on the kitchen table is fine. For many others, a more complete home office set-up is required.
But, that’s not always easy, especially if you don’t have a dedicated room available and space in your home is scarce. Here are some tips:
Go wireless. These days you don’t need bulky wires and hookups. Everything from your internet modem to your keyboard and mouse can be connected to your computer wirelessly. This can make a tight workspace a lot more comfortable.
Get a fold-away workstation. There are many home office workstations available today that look like attractive cupboards or hutches but, when needed, fold out – into a desk, keyboard tray, and file drawers! Some of these workstations are even designed to fit into closets!
Think corners and verticals. If floor space is scarce, place shelves higher up the wall. You can buy slim, high bookshelves and other furnishings that require less floor space. Also consider desks designed to fit into corners. They provide generous surface space yet don’t take up much room.