3 Reasons to Buy a House in December

By December 6, 2012Uncategorized

YES the media is telling you the market is down and YES the market for higher end homes (over 1.5MM) has taken a breather.

In spite of what they are telling you, December is a great time to buy a house.

And here’s why.

#1.  If a house is on the market in December, you can be sure the Seller is MOTIVATED to sell, which translates into savings for you.

#2. Shopping for a house while everyone else is holiday shopping means you have less competition. No bidding wars. No over-paying. Just a great buy for you.

#3. Year-end interest rates are still at a 60-year low. If you buy now and lock-in for 5+ years, you can rest easy knowing you’re locked in at the lowest rate.

There you go, you’ve saved yourself a lot of money. Go buy yourself a compact car!

December is the time to capitalize! Tis the season after all!