Buy Fresh & Local!

By May 23, 2013Uncategorized

Purchasing your food at farmers markets is great for a variety of reasons – for our economy, your pocket book, the environment and your health!

Food grown and purchased locally has likely just been picked in the past couple of days – this food is crisp and loaded with nutrition and flavor!  Studies have shown that on average food travels approximately 1,500 miles from farm to plate. Produce flown and driven all those miles is less fresh and has lost a lot of it’s nutritional value. On top of this, transporting food this far adds to greenhouse gas emission.

Buying local is easy. There are various farmers markets around the city and the City of Toronto’s website provides a list that are close and convenient for you. Buying local is cheaper and can be a fun afternoon for you and your family!

Evergreen Brick Works Farmers Market is a fabulous place to go for not only your shopping, but a good hike/stroll. They have approximately 65-85 different vendors every Saturday. They have ample parking and are open from 8:00am – 1:00pm. Check out their list of local vendors here.

I know we all live such busy lives and carving out the time to get to the farmers market can sometimes be difficult, especially on weekends. However, Mama Earth Organics is a great solution to this problem. Mama Earth is a local and certified organic company that delivers right to your door! They provide you with a list of freshly picked items that you can customize to your liking! They offer different basket sizes starting at just $27.00. Check out Mama Earth Organic here.

So reconnect with the earth and buy local! By doing this, you are supporting our local farms and ensuring they can afford to continue to stay on their farms doing what they love to do: providing an abundance of nutritious and flavorful foods for their own families, our families and the generations to come.