indoor air: keeping it fresh & pollutant free!

By June 14, 2013Uncategorized

We are quick to think smog is our biggest air quality concern, however, the air inside our very own home is a concern as well.   Cigarette smoke, radon, carbon monoxide, lead-laden dust, dirt filled carpets & household cleaners are just a few items that contribute to poor air quality. To keep the air in your home fresh and free of pollutants – consider the following tips:

    • Open your windows!  The circulation of air will help prevent the buildup of pollutants in your home.
    • Routinely change your heating and cooling air filters. If you are not sure how often to change them – check and see what the manufacturer suggests.
    • Clean your exhaust vents.  These vents are typically located in your bathrooms, kitchen and laundry room.
    • Purchase a portable air purification system. This will help clear your home of unwanted particles, mold and odors/chemical vapors.

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  • Make sure you keep your pets well groomed. This will help prevent shedding around your home and minimize dander on your furniture and rugs.
  • Purchase natural household cleaning products. Many regular cleaning products contain chemicals that can harm our heath and environment. You can also consider making your own cleaning products! The Daily Green offers various recipes for natural cleaning products…check them out here.
  • Purchase indoor plants for your home!  This is a great way to keep your air fresh and naturally filter the air.
  • If you are trying to eliminate unwanted pests –  use natural pest control products.


Hope these tips keep your home feeling fresh and clean!
