Dude, where’s my car?

By January 22, 2014Uncategorized

The City of Toronto has introduced new strict parking rules that come into effect this week!

Here’s what you need to know:

  • The City can now tow away your illegally parked vehicle if you have 3 or more unpaid and undisputed infractions on your record. This is great news if you own a tow truck company, but not such great news if you have unpaid parking tickets.
  • The new fine for parking in a “No Parking” zone during rush hour has more than doubled. It will now cost you $150.00 for this infraction, up from $60.00. Take note, the new rush hour timing has also changed, and is now: M-F, 6am-10am & 3pm-7pm.

I love the hefty fine during rush hour….it will hopefully stop some of the selfish drivers from blocking already heavily trafficked routes!

To read the full article via Toronto Star, click here.