So here’s some good information for our parents, but for those of us who are of the Baby Boomer generation we may find this useful as well. If you are…
Eco-Seeker Lisa Borden hunts down our neighbourhood’s eco friendly stores. Her top five stores offer everything from eco friendly products to organic food! Click here to see her fabulous finds….
We all know Jim Flarerty has tightened up the mortgage rules effective July, 2012. android stealth gps tracker We now need a 20% down payment in order to avoid a…
Finally a positive slant on our Toronto Real Estate Market from Mark Weisleder, a lawyer who writes for the Toronto Star. If you’re a Buyer sitting on the fence waiting…
You can have it all! Take your dream home to the next level and CLICK HERE to check out a hilariously creative list of 27 dream features that definitely belong…
Whether you are renovating your kitchen or purchasing a new home, your kitchen counter top is a central feature in one of the most important rooms in your home. While…
The “laundry room” is often not considered an inspiring and welcoming room in the home – but this does not necessarily need to be the case! Whether it involves a…
Spring has sprung? Looking out my window, I am not quite sure we are welcoming spring just yet, despite Wiarton Willie’s prediction we would see an early one this year….
This Saturday, March 23rd, 2013 is Earth Hour! Every year millions across the globe come together and turn off their lights from 8:30 p.m to 9:30 p.m. Earth hour encourages…
Is your mortgage an investment or a debt, a friend or foe? Old time thinking says a debt is an enemy to be rid of as soon as possible. But…