February 2015

By March 15, 2015

February 2015 Infograph


In a Nut Shell

  1. The market accelerated in February: as demand increased so did average price. 
  2.  We broke a NEW RECORD – the average price for a single, detached home surpassed one million dollars! 
  3. No more time for dilly dallying – detached are selling in 16 days, semi’s in 8 days, and condos are now selling at a steady pace of 27 days.


Susan’s Forecast

In the coming months I expect to see signs of:

  1. Buyer fatigue for those who’ve been in many bidding wars.
  2. Seller greed setting in and listing too high.

If this does occur, we could see a slight lull in the market, but only until the next round of pent up demand sets in.



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