5 Wild New Floating Home Concepts

By August 4, 2015Uncategorized


For some reason (a widespread housing shortage maybe?) designers and property developers have been cooking up a bunch of a fantastical floating homes lately. Far from your average houseboat, these aquatic dream homes also come in much more inventive forms than the typical luxury yacht. Some are tourism-focused, others seem like legitimate proposals for alternative housing, but all are quite wild. 

Below are five recently unveiled floating home concepts in various phases of development. If you could have your way, which one would you pick?




Seascape Villas


Developer: BMT Asia Pacific
Size: ~700 to 1,800 square feet
Features: Modularity (which means add-on units are possible), underwater bedrooms, solar panels
E.T.A.: None yet




The Floating House

carl-turner-architects-floating-house-paperhouses-designboom-01Developer/Designer: Carl Turner Architects for Paperhouse
Size: ~ 1,345 square feet
Features: Gardens, solar panels, a “crow’s nest” observation room, upper deck, rainwater-harvesting tank
E.T.A.: It’s already here! (Kind of.) If you build it yourself.




Floating Hotel with Catamaran-Apartments

exteriorDeveloper/Deisger: Salt & Water
Capacity: Accommodates 2 to 4 people, square footage unclear
Bragging rights: Large windows, balconies, lofted sleeping areas
E.T.A.: Probably not for a while…the design studio is looking for investors.




The Waternest 100

floaterDeveloper/Designer: ecolife and Giancarlo Zema Design Group
Capacity: ~1,076 square feet
Bragging rights: 98 percent recyclable, 600 square feet of solar panels, leak-proof teak floors, balconies
E.T.A.: It’s already here! Prices start at roughly $550K for a smaller, 645-square-foot version, and go up to roughly $880K for the standard 1,076-square-foot model.




The Floating Seahorse

floating-seahorse-yacht-dubai-designboom01-818x463Developer/Designer: Kleindienst Group
Capacity: Three levels, square footage unclear
Bragging rights: Fully-furnished kitchen, glass-bottomed jacuzzi, sun deck, underwater master bedroom
E.T.A.: End of 2016


For more pictures and the full story, click here.

Feature Image Courtesy of Curbed

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