All in One Strength and Conditioning

By January 14, 2016Uncategorized

Some of you may not know this about me….but I’m a huge fan of CrossFit. What’s that you  ask? Let me start by saying if you’ve never tried it, you may want to after reading this post! I love it because it’s a different challenging workout every time, and man, you feel so good after your done! Basically a typical work out (1 hour long) consists of a warm up to wake up your muscles, 15 minutes (or thereabouts) of strength training on a specific lift, and then a WOD (Work out of the Day) combining any number of movements in a given rep-scheme. For the most part, it will be different everyday, unless you’re doing one of the famous benchmark workouts

Many people are intimidated by CrossFit; they think it’s only for elite athletes. The reality is, CrossFit is for everyone – even the older gals like me. Everything in CrossFit can be scaled to match your athletic ability; you go at your own pace, and grow at your own pace. It won’t be long before you feel progress and are completely hooked! 

Since opening this past September, All in One Strength and Conditioning/CrossFit AIO is my box  of choice (that’s CrossFit for ‘gym’).  Click on the link below if you have 10 minutes to get a feel for what it’s all about. P.S…if after watching it, you’d like to try a class, please email/call me….and I’ll get you started.

Video: All in One Strength & Conditioning – “Our Story So Far…”



The coaches, all good, are hands on. Not only are they encouraging, but they make sure they get around to everyone to offer up tips on improving. Oh, did I mention, they’re also fun, which believe me, makes a huge difference! If you can’t work out and have fun, then what’s the point!!


As for the equipment, CrossFit boxes don’t look like your average GoodLife. You won’t find machines for hamstring curls or StairMasters. Instead, you’ll rely on your own body weight and barbells to get a full-body workout. This box is huge, clean, nicely outfitted and set up for the perfect workout.


There’s even a separate area for open gym, personal training and power lifting with all the goodies you could ever need.


Thinking you’re too old to try CrossFit? Think again. Their members range from 18 – 60 years young! If you’re interested in CrossFit, I’d highly recommend you give CrossFit AIO a shot… there’s loads of free parking and it’s easy to get to. One class is all it will take for you to be hooked!

CrossFit3That’s me practicing my handstand technique! 


Located near Yorkdale Mall:
1214 Caledonia Road

Toronto, Ontario
M6A 2W5 


Gym hours are:
Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Sundays 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Pictures courtesy of All in One Strength and Conditioning 








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