Condo living

By August 21, 2012Uncategorized

So you live in a condo with your partner and now you have a child.

Do you decide to move and look for a more traditional style family raising home, or do you stay in your condo?

A big issue for many growing families is the high cost of living, and let’s face it, not everyone can afford a house in Toronto.

Which leaves them with one option: Condo living. How feasible is it to raise a family in a condo?

Apparently it’s quite possible. There are a growing number of couples in Toronto who have chosen to raise their children in condos. The influencing factors are price, convenience and security. Having amenities close by is a major selling point, especially when your little one wakes up with a fever at 2 a.m.

Developers are looking into the future of condos, and one of the things they’re taking into account is growing families. A big concern is the need to be situated close to schools and daycare, and many developers are keeping that in mind, though it admittedly will take time for infrastructure to catch up. At this point in time there’s simply not enough room in local schools to accommodate the vast amount of kids from new developments.

Many of us grew up having a backyard, and played street games like kick the can and tag. Would children miss out on this in a condo? Or does it just change the type of fun they would have with their neighbours?

Now let’s hear from you! Would you raise a family in a condo?