
By October 17, 2011Uncategorized

Summer has come to an end and it’s time to clear out those eavestroughs. How exciting! OK, it’s not great, and to be frank it’s quite a chore, so I can see how it can be put by the way side. However, that inertia could end with disastrous consequences. Why? Because leaves can back up water, which will somehow find it’s way into your house. The next thing you know you have mould which can lead to serious health problems.

Here are some tips for keeping your eavestrough’s in good shape:

Clean them every fall and ensure water flows away from your house. Otherwise, water can damage your foundation. Also keep in mind that water freezes, which can harm your roof.

Make sure you have the right eavestroughs! Plastic can get brittle, especially in the cold. Also, avoid eavestroughs built in sections which have the potential to leak. Have a professional do it, and they will measure one piece for each side of the house. Make sure they use aluminum, which is the industry standard (it won’t rust).

Install a screen guard. This guard sits over the eavestrough and helps prevent leaves and debris from falling in.

Winter can be harsh on our property. An ounce of prevention will ensure you have a healthy eavestroughs!