free up some quality square footage in your closet

By May 22, 2013Uncategorized

It’s time to clean out that closet of yours! As we transition into summer, it’s a great time to go through your clothing items and transition your closet for summer!  If you haven’t worn certain items in over a year (four seasons have past), let’s be honest, you are likely not going to wear it – even if it’s “new with tags” or “maybe one day” you think you’ll wear it 😉

Here are a couple tips to free up some real estate in your closet:

Start by creating 3 piles:  Seasonal, Donate, & Garbage

Seasonal: These are clothing items you wear, but not right now. By moving these items to storage you can can free up some quality space in your closet. You should also take a look at your winter boots and jackets too!

Donate: These are the items you do not wear anymore, have not worn, don’t fit properly and will likely never wear in the future. This is the hardest pile! If you’re hovering between keeping the item and putting them in the “donate” pile – the answer is probably “donate”.  If the clothing is in great condition and you paid a lot for it, you may struggle with the decision to donate it. However, the reality is…if you don’t wear it, you don’t need it taking up space in your closet.

Garbage: These are clothes that are ripped or stained ie. not suitable for donation.

After sorting through these piles you will feel light and refreshed! Your closet will be free of unused articles and will be able to actually see all of the clothes you want to wear! You will also feel great about making a charitable donation – win win!

If you have a couple quality items you don’t want to part with – you can try selling them for consignment or host a clothing swap with your girlfriends! If everyone brings 3-4 unused items – you will be sure to come home with a couple new items at no cost! Great way to be social too!

A trick suggested by SAGE (Professional Organizer) to keep your closet current is to reverse the hanger in your closet after wearing them. This way, at the end of the season you will be able to see exactly what you did and didn’t wear.