If you had to guess, how much time do you think we humans spend inside? … Humans tend to spend about ninety percent of their time indoors – and indoor air pollutants have been ranked among the top five environmental risks to public health. Stagnant indoor environments allow pollutants to build up and stick around in greater amounts than we humans should be breathing in.
These days, everything from detergents and household cleaners, to particle board, carpeting, curtains, varnishes, paint, paper products, and gas from the stove, give off harmful VOCs [volatile organic compounds]. Good news is that there’s an easy and affordable way to combat the presence of these harmful things we are breathing in, everyday – Plants!
NASA actually conducted a 2-year long study along with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America, to determine what plants were most effective in reducing common household toxins. Not only do indoor plants create oxygen, they also have the ability to purify our air by absorbing contaminants, such as carcinogens found in our indoor spaces. They even go one step further – the microorganisms associated with the plants are present in the potting soil, and these microbes are also responsible for much of the “cleaning effect” taking place.
While not everyone considers themselves a green thumb, there is no need to be intimidated by these plants. Virtually all of the ones listed below are low-to-no-maintenance!
Now is the time to get rid of any fake, silk plants – as they only collect dust – and harness the environment’s natural ability to clean itself. Beyond air quality, plants actually tend to make people just feel better in general. Hospital patients with some of these plants in their room were seen to be more positive and had lower blood pressure and stress levels. Bring this list to your local garden nursery or flower shop, and try it out for yourself. 🌿🌺
*images and some information obtained from, https://greatist.com/connect/houseplants-that-clean-air