Is It Time To Sell Your Home?

By June 10, 2015Uncategorized

Did you know that many home buyers and  sellers do an average of 18 months of research and contemplating before taking an active step in their next real estate transaction? Ask yourself the following questions to gain some clarity about whether the time has come to put your home on the market. If you find the answer is a resounding ‘yes!’, don’t hesitate to contact me to get started.

1 natural slimming pills. Are you emotionally attached to your home?

Perhaps it’s the first home you and your spouse shared and your child’s growth is charted lovingly on the kitchen doorframe. Maybe you’ve spent hours cultivating your backyard garden, or painstakingly laying new hardwood floor all on your own.  It is natural to feel a connection to your home, it is your sanctuary after all! But if you are ready to part ways with the memories and make some new ones elsewhere then it’s the right time to move.

2. Do you know the market?

Have you been paying attention to resent sales of similar size/type homes in your neighbourhood?  While I will undoubtedly guide you through this step of the process, taking some time to educate yourself will ensure you can ask the right questions and understand the current value of your home.

3. Do you have a plan?

If you feel you may be ready to sell your home, what’s the game plan. Do you buy first or sell first?  Do you know where you’d like to go next? Are you hoping for a different space in a similar location, or are you swapping size for an upgrade in location?

4. Are you open to changes and upgrades?

You may adore your orange kitchen, or feel that the best use of your basement is a pet play area, but in order for your home to attract a wide audience, I may suggest things like a neutral coat of paint, a thorough cleaning or a bit of staging to render your property marketable and appealing to the majority of  buyers. 

5. Are you financially organized?

It’s no secret that moving can be an expensive proposition. Hopefully you are in a position to make money on the sale of your home, but be sure to get your finances in order and discuss the miscellaneous moving costs with a financial advisor – realtor’s fees, closing costs, moving costs, lawyer’s fees, etc. Making an appointment with a banker to explore your loan and mortgage options is advisable. Getting as much information as possible on the financial scope of your sale will ease anxieties as the process gets underway.

Feature image via Houzz
Article sourced from The Chestnut Park Blog

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