Market 707 – Shipping Containers

By November 22, 2013Uncategorized

Yes, I am blogging about shipping containers again. They’re just so cool and versatile they deserve another post! If you haven’t yet been introduced to concept of converted shipping containers, check out these fabulous container homes.   Not only can they be converted to homes, but also retail space!

Shipping containers have found their home in Toronto on Dundas Street West. This colorful container market aka. Market 707 offers everything from coffee to crepes, to bike repairs and dim sum.

The rental fee for a container at Market 707 is just $10.00 a day. This keeps the financial risk minimal for start-up businesses, helping entrepreneurs put their plans into action. Some businesses that started at Market 707 have been so successful they have since moved into commercial space.

Not only has the presence of Market 707 been beneficial for entrepreneurs, it has also a positive impact on the local neighbourhood. Nearby shoppers from Kensington Market would not typically venture further west towards Market 707, however, due to the containers more westerly location on Dundas, pedestrian traffic is being drawn further west.  This traffic has been great for local businesses and provides more eyes and ears on the street, increasing the safety of the neighbourhood.

Market 707 continues to be a huge success, so much so that there is talk of a  “container mall.” It’s safe to say I’ll keep you posted on that too!

Make sure to check out Market 707 before it gets too cold out! From October to April they are open Tuesday – Saturday 11:30am – 5pm. Located at 707 Dundas Street West (Dundas West & Bathurst).

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Feature Image Via Flickr: photohome_uk