Rebates for Your Renos?!

By July 14, 2016Uncategorized


The biggest restriction when you are renovating or remodelling your home is always the BUDGET! If only you could find a few more dollars to splurge on that spectacular tile for the bathroom, all would be right in the world. Well, now you don’t have to decide…you can have it all! OK, maybe I’m being a little dramatic but you get the excitement, right? You can save thousands of dollars on your renovations. In fact, you can receive a rebate on the HST up to $24,000. 


There are three categories where you can qualify:

1.    If it is a substantial renovation- this means 90% of the habitable space in your house has to have been renovated.

2.    If you built a major addition – major means you more than doubled the size of your house along with renovating a major portion of the existing house.

3.    If you built a brand new home (or bought a brand new home and HST was included in the purchase price)

The only other criteria is that the work must have been completed within the last 2 years, (this counts even if you buy a house that had extensive reno done within the time frame BEFORE you bought it!)

If you think you qualify for the rebate, fill out this questionnaire and then contact the Renovate team at:

1920 Yonge Street Suite 200
Toronto ON M4S 3E2
t.416-909-0590 | f.416-572-7501


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