Canadian Made Tiny House

By March 15, 2016Uncategorized

The line up at the Tiny House Construction Company exhibit at the National Home Show is testament to the curiosity we have for small(er) living solutions. The Canadian company was unveiling a new design that features a larger kitchen. 


thcc-outside.jpg.650x0_q70_crop-smartThere are a few limitations to design when building a tiny house on a trailer. It cannot be more than 8′-6″ wide, it needs to fit under bridges, and it’s better if it’s under 10,000 pounds so that it can be towed legally by a pickup truck. On top of that, if you are building for Canada you need to consider good insulation and windows.


thcc-kitchen2.jpg.650x0_q70_crop-smartWhen you have those kinds of limitations, you need to determine your priorities. This particular design seems to favour cooking, with the kitchen taking up more than half the livable space. 


thcc-bathroom.jpg.650x0_q70_crop-smartBeyond the kitchen is a very comfortable bathroom with shower, low volume toilet and sink.


loft.jpg.650x0_q70_crop-smartUp the ladder is the loft with windows that open. The ladder is installed library-style so that it can slide along the pipe rail to the higher side of the loft  and then roll back to the side for storage. 





For more information and pricing, visit The Tiny House Construction Company exhibit at the National Home show on until March 20th  at Exhibition Place, The Enercare Centre.


Article sourced from



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